UMSU Rector Prof. Dr. Agussani, MAP represented by Vice Rector III, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rudianto, M.Si released four Student Organisation Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) teams that will participate in Abdidaya 2024 at Udayana University, Bali. The release activity took place in the UMSU rector’s meeting room Jl. Kapten Muchtar Basri No. 3, Medan. Monday, (04/11/).
Vice Rector III, Assoc. Prof. Dr Rudianto, M.Si, in his remarks, expressed his appreciation for UMSU’s return to participate in this prestigious event. He emphasised the importance of utilising the PPK Ormawa programme in shaping students’ soft skills and character.
‘This programme is not just an achievement, but also as a formation of soft skills and character for us to care about problems in society. One of them is through this PPK Ormawa and Abdidaya programme,’ he explained.
Dr Rudianto hopes that the experience gained from this programme can be a provision and motivation for the future.
‘We hope that this will be a provision for our friends on the way to success, and still have the spirit to build society, nation, and state,’ he said.
The Chairperson of the UMSU Student Research and Creativity Center (SRCC), Dr Fatimah Sari Siregar, S.Pd., M.Hum, reported that this year UMSU managed to send four of its best teams. She also reminded the achievements of UMSU last year which won various awards at Abdidaya 2023.
‘We hope that this year UMSU will bring another victory,’ he added.
One of the participants, Muhammad Rizky Pasaribu from the Development Economics Student Association, expressed his happiness to be able to participate in Abdidaya.
‘I would like to thank UMSU for contributing so much to us, from guidance and direction to material and immaterial support that is very meaningful,’ he said enthusiastically.
Abdidaya is an appreciation programme from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research that values the contribution of student organisations, lecturers and village partners in community empowerment. UMSU sent four of the best teams, namely HMJ Development Economics, Muhammadiyah Student Association Faculty of Medicine, HMJ Social Welfare, and HMJ Agribusiness. The UMSU contingent is scheduled to depart on Wednesday, 6 November, with a transit route in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, before continuing the journey to Bali. This release activity was also attended by the Head of the Student and Alumni Bureau, Dr Rudianto, S.E., M.Si, Deputy Dean III, and accompanying lecturers.